Monday, April 1, 2013

April shall be one busy month!

My camera is always with me. Whether it be my actual camera, or my cell phone. I am ready to take aim and shoot. Photography is something that has always interested me.  We all see the world differently, to me, being a successful photographer, is being able to show others how YOU see the world.

A few months back my sister asked me to partake in a daily photo challenge with her, posting one picture a day, for a whole year. I did great for the first couple of weeks, but then I had some personal issues arise, and I no longer found happiness in pictures. I lost my muse. I lost my "eye" for pictures. I was depressed.
Well...things aren't better, but they are starting to look up again. I am finding inspiration in things.
I heard about the A-Z April blog challenge, and decided it was a good way to get back into writing again. I also told my sister I would start posting my daily photos again April 1st, so I thought.....I should just combine the two. I will take a photo everyday, and have THAT be the subject of my blog post! BRILLIANT!
Well I struggled for days thinking what I could possibly take a picture of that started with "A", I kept saying
"I can't think of anything"
"I don't have anything"
So it dawned on me.....take a picture, of anything!
So here is the start of a new adventure this month.
To daily blog writing, and daily photo's, I WILL accomplish this, and I WILL be proud of myself.
If you're new to this blog, Welcome, and I hope you enjoy this ride with me. If you're an old friend, well know what to expect, and thank you for sticking with me!


  1. Gorgeous photo. Glad you started back up! :)

    1. Thank you mi'dear! So far I'm having a blast coming up with all the different things I want to write about/take pictures of!

  2. that picture is absolutely gorgeous! Did you take that one? Where is it?

    Have fun with the a-z challenge.

    1. Thank you so much. I did take it, it's a pathway located on Mt.Tabor in Oregon. One of my favorite trails!

  3. That's a gorgeous photo Courtney! You're gonna do great this month. Glad things are starting to look up for you!!

    herding cats & burning soup

    1. Thank you very much. I'm glad things are starting to look up as well. Although I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth, knocking on wood and all that, cause I don't want to jinx it, but I'm trying this new optomistic thing....seeing how that works for me!

  4. I love pathways like gorgeous!

    1. Thank you so much! It's just as pretty in person!

  5. I love it hun. Glad you are writing again.

  6. I love it hun. Glad you are writing again.
